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Whether you are seeking long term employment or interested in freelancing, it is important to know that ORGANIZATIONS NEED INDIVIDUALS MORE THAN INDIVIDUALS NEED ORGANIZATIONS. 

Opportunities for finding meaningful work or simply a job are issues that every worker faces, probably more than once. Fillmon and Associates is well aware of the need to anticipate, monitor and adapt to changes in opportunities to express talent and skills. Consequently Fillmon & Associates, LLC fosters for each client the creation of a CAREER PORTFOLIO.


Engagement comes when talent is offered/facilitated in support of a body of work. Layoffs can become permanent. People are living longer while organizations are living shorter so we may well outlive the organization we work for.  Jobs are not secure, but a career portfolio is. The form of employment matters less than the content of what people can do.


People need to know how to find new opportunities, ways to continually improve skills and how best to connect with other people and organizations. Workers need to understand that it is not just about getting a job. It is about finding security and comprehending risk as it pertains to the balance between autonomy, family needs, and financial situations.

Individuals need to understand how to research businesses including how that business makes its money, and to whom it sells in order to determine the best place to offer one’s individual talent.


Professionals need to manage their careers as a one-person band that is responsible for selling their own services or products. One needs to offer their talent and skills as a fit for the needs of the business, assignment or project.


If any of the following resonate with you, contact Fillmon & Associates to learn more about our services:


What is my career path?

How can I find the place to work that is right for me?

Where can I do more meaningful work?

How do I do more meaningful work and apply the experience I have?

How can I experience less pressure and more life balance?

How to gain more flexibility and a chance to learn?

How to pursue passion with people I like at a place I love...on purpose?

How to do something different?



The highly integrated services of Fillmon & Associates include:


                Career selection for early career direction


                Career transition for experienced professionals


What is there now that you wish to do, without leaving your employer?  How to stay engaged and interested as one outgrows their current set of skills/responsibilities. What can you do for your employer to stand out?


                Coaching for performance


                Coaching for leadership development and performance            


                Career portfolio design and management


The portfolio is based in the theory that income is generated from a combination of part-time employment, temporary work, freelance assignments, entrepreneurial ventures and/or working full time. The State of Independence in America survey by MBO Partners (September 2013) sites 77% of workers surveyed indicated that they wanted to remain as independent.


                Employability Skills


 Resume writing, interviewing, targeted industry research, personal career marketing, salary negotiations


                Retiree Services


"Now What?" -- A highly interactive program for individuals or groups wishing to explore enthusiastic adulthood transitions toward meaning, wisdom and peace                

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